Saturday, January 29, 2011

Race Repot 1/29/11

Unfortunately the same story as you have heard before as far as results, but overall I am happy. Went to Hillingdon today even though I had written it off two weeks ago, I needed to talk to a guy about riding on a new team. Weather Channel mobile told me that it was going to be 40 even though I left the house at 34. I wore alot of clothes on the ride out, and it was downwind so I was pretty warm when I got there. (This wouldn't be the case 1 hour later) Since it was supposed to warm up and I was already warm I decided to race with just leg warmers and two undershirts.

The race was as per usual, still can't understand how so many people seem to be able to follow wheels with absolute ease, but nobody in the race can make it split. After last Saturday's debacle I decided to take the week off so I actually felt really good today. I did a number of attacks that nobody wanted to follow, and since I didn't want to try to go solo for any length of time I kept pulling the plug on them. One held promise though, I had attacked and a Junior racing for Ralpha Condor Sharp (they are kinda like the Jelly Belly of the UK) came across, and we went about sharing the work for the next couple of laps. Unfortunately for me, the wind was blowing from the opposite direction as previously, which made the back of the course too fast for the Junior I was away with. He was spun out of his restricted gearing so he couldn't really help, and then he would hammer away as the wind changed, wasn't the smoothest working escape in the history of cycling, that is for sure. It was all together with two to go and my last ditch attack was quickly put down by another the Junior who had won two weeks ago. The sprint to the line went as expected, and I coasted in mid pack. 24.9m in 1h:01m:20s. Average speed 24.4mph. I would be really interested to see my HR data from the race but I inadvertantly loosened the strap on my monitor instead of tightening it. Ended up wearing it around my stomach for the entire race. Stangely enough it doesn't quite work there.

A lap or two to cool down and I started to realize that I was completely frozen. I guess the race kept me focused on other things than how I was feeling but as soon as the Adrenalin was gone, the pain set in. Could barely take off my gloves, and even after I got all my clothes on and had a cup of tea, was still shivering. One of the promoters even came over and offered me a blanket, which I promptly declined, as that would have been admitting I was to stupid to dress myself. I must have looked really awful as she came back and asked if I wanted to go sit in the first aid room by the heater. I scoffed that I was fine and forced back the shivers until she left. Stupid Weather Channel Mobile said it was 36 with a wind chill of 25 after the race was over. Hope everyone in Tulsa enjoyed wearing shorts today! Its been 10 hours now and 9 of 10 of my fingers have feeling back so that is a good sign. I am headed to bed. Good Night.

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