Saturday, May 12, 2012

New York

I needed to go to New York for business, and since we were hurricaned out of our trip last summer Kristen decided to tag along and make a bit of a vacation out of it.  I guess for her it was a full on vacation but just a bit of one for me.

Sooo much to talk about, not sure where to begin.

I guess the beginning makes sense, so will start with the flight from London.  The flight has completely ruined me for air travel in the future.  Much the same as what happened with the 2007 PGA Championship at Southern Hills.  You see, I had gotten sweet hospitality tickets from a friend, and we had our choice of not one but two hospitality chalets to wine and dine in all day while watching the tournament.  Imagine if you will two catered meals, 'snacks' (if I were telling the story face to face the quotation marks would have been air quotes, to indicate that they were only snacks in name but in reality closer to another two meals.) and an open bar.  Our day consisted of filling our stomachs in one chalet then only going outside for long enough to finish a drink and get hot, before going back to fill 'er up again in the other chalet.  After that standing for hours on end or even sitting in the sun and having to shell out $8 for a bottle of water became completely intolerable.  I would rather watch on TV now vs. 'normal' spectating.

Flash forward to the flight again....Never before have I had the pleasure of flying business or first class.  Not sure if it would be even remotely with it flying domestically, but can tell you for sure that the upgrade to and from London was magical.  I spent the first two hours of the flight working my way through the four course lunch, and then stretched out for a nap.  Only to be welcomed by fresh cookies and a cheeseburger soon there after.  My flight attendant Vlad, was getting a workout refilling my drinks and I was doing my best to get my money's worth out of them somehow.  Just like not being able to watch sports for the 'normal' seats, there is no way I could go back to WizzAir again.

 It will probably cut down on my future travel plans, but I don't think I can go back.

Kristen was lucky enough to have the airline support her vegan diet, only to discover that the only thing worse than airline food, is vegan airline food.

We went from the airport in Newark to Manhatten to drop off some luggage, and took in some of the sights before heading out to Long Island to stay with Kristen's grandpa and aunt.

We managed to hit about all the midtown hotspots in about 3 hours before going to Long Island.  We have gotten really good at speed sightseeing.

The Plaza Hotel
In front of one of the buildings near
Rockefeller center

Rockefeller Center
Trump Tower on the left

Nor really sightseeing, but can't figure
out why these steaming pipes are all
over the place.
I am sure this has a name, but don't
know what it is

Our hotel was on Park Ave.
Chrysler Building
Grand Central Station
This was St. Patrick's Church.  Just
happened to be having a wedding at
the same time.  

I tried getting artsy with the camera too.

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