Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Back to New York

We ended up back in the city for a couple of days (working and, well not 100% sure what Kristen was doing), but still managed to get out and take in the rest of the city.

Cool entrance to the subway station at the
Brooklyn Bridge

My attempt at fancy picture taking.  Pretty excited
about the result.  Click to enlarge

Manhattan Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge
These parking lots were all over the place.  I kept
wondering what happens if the guy with the top
car wants to leave.
I compared Picadilly Circus to Times Square a while ago, and just want to apoligise to all New Yorkers for it.  Times square is much bigger and better, impressive to say the least.

Not to be outdone by the M&Ms store Hershey's
got in on the action.
These looked really tempting, but seemed like a sure
thing for a tummy ache.
We visited the 9/11 memorial too.  I don't really know what I was expecting it to be but wasn't expecting what we got.  I guess its not complete yet and really surrounded by a construction site, so any other thoughts or feelings about the memorial are a bit premature at this point.  Gotta think that everyone that visits will have very strong emotions about it.

This is a quick pan through the memorial, hopefully it will play in the US, have had some problems sharing movies before.

Columns from the base of one of
the towers.  Centrepiece of the
unopened museum.  
Paul Jr. memorial chopper

Coming to New York I expected it to feel a lot like London, but was really surprised just how much it wasn't.  Yeah lots of people, and a subway but  a lot of little things that seemed to add up to a big difference.
View from Battery Park over the Hudson

I am sure this is going to upset someone, but gonna say it anyway.  On the way to Newark to come home I leaned over to Kristen and said 'Do you smell that?  It smells like poo.'  Kristen without hesitation said 'Thats New Jersey'.  I am not trying to be mean but seriously it was funky!

Remember that sunburned forehead?  Yeah, I started to peal and flake off, gotta think everyone was looking at me like some kind of leper or something.


  1. Ha ha, Kristen is correct,parts of NJ are just plain smelly! So gross.

    "I compared Picadilly Circus to Times Square a while ago, and just want to apoligise to all New Yorkers for it. Times square is much bigger and better, impressive to say the least."

    Apology accepted! And don't do it again! :)
    Time Square rocks! Is Picadilly Circus as brightly lit up as TS?


  2. They tried to make it as bright, but fell short. There is a link to the picture of it in the post 'Times Square' above.
