Sunday, May 13, 2012

Long Island

We headed out to Long Island to visit Kristen's Grandpa and Aunt  Kristen had set some ground rules before we had arrived.  I was to eat anything and everything that was set in front of me.  Don't think she planned on me taking it sooo literally.  In two days I managed to tick off alot of the New York favorites...homemade Italian, slices of pizza as big as my head, (Grandpa says 'Pizza is a snack' but my three slices were probably a bit overzealous for a snack), bagels, and a whole host of other things.  I ate just about all of the candy that had been sitting out in the living room.  I always wonder in a situation like that just how long it might have been sitting out, but that didn't slow me down in the least.  Ended up getting the seal of approval as a 'good eater', so I would say mission accomplished.

Really liked it out on the island, everything was nice and peaceful.  Perfect for a afternoon nap with the window open listening to the birds.

Before leaving the island we stopped at the beach(es) and enjoyed a visit from my long lost friend.....the sun (And he left me with a special going away present).  Look like a lobster now and cant touch my forehead.  Just goes to show how little direct sunlight we get in London.
I made a friend with Sam Adams

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that pizza really looks good! It's one of my faves. We need to take you to Umberto's Pizza next time. The one you had was from Two Brothers.
    Dog at the beach came out really nice,glad he stood still just long enough for you to get the shot. He was really a runner!
    Hey,did you delete all the other pictures or did you download them somewhere else? I'd love to see them.
    Also,that's a gross picture of me,was there nothing better? UGH! I need a head transplant,STAT!

    Glad we got to see you guys, we enjoyed having you. Wish you could have stayed longer,needed to stuff you with more good eats.
    And thanks for putting up with my wacky father.

