Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The more things change...

The more they stay the same.  I realised today just how little I have changed over the last 10 years.  Now of course there are ton of things that are different.  I have moved on from Stillwater (population 50,000) to London (population 7.5 million) clearly a big change.  There was marriage, and a house and a dog.  I have all but given up playing golf, and I probably spent 60 hours a week at the golf course back in school.

But today it all came rushing back.  (most of you won't have a clue what I am talking about here, but someone will read this and laugh)  I am staying in a hotel in Reading, and headed down to the gym, to try to work off the 12 hours I spent sitting in front of the computer all day.  I grab a towel and the first thing I think about, is stealing it to use as a golf towel.  I don't think it happens every time in a hotel but probably more often than not.

It got me thinking what else is out there that I have hung on to for far too long.  Turns out that there is a ton of stuff that which is super engrained in me and my mannerisms.  There is a shirt in my closet that I have had since the 7th grade, and still don't tie my tennis shoes.  I love Poptarts, and if it weren't for them costing about $10 a box over here I would eat them everyday.  One of the staff that works with me asked me if they could ask me a question today.  I told them yes and then said 'that was your question and you only get one for the day.'  That was the same rule my golf coach had for me as a sophomore in high school.  Years later I heard that he still used it and it was called the 'Bob LeMaster rule'.  Maybe it will catch on here too.

1 comment:

  1. Load up on PopTarts when you come visit! Take em all, I won't touch that stuff!:) What's your favorite tart?

