Sunday, April 1, 2012

Miss the Most

Whenever we go home for a visit or talk to people from the UK, they seem to always ask us "What do you miss the most about living in the US?". Now obviously we miss our family and friends the most, but I am just talking about non living things.

Car- Luckily having a car is not a necessity in London, but it would sure make life easier sometimes. It takes so much longer to complete the smallest errand. I also have no idea what songs have been popular in the last 1.5 years.

Waiting for the day I can drive, with the windows down and the radio blasting.

Dryer/Laundry Room
We were pretty lucky because we had a dryer and laundry room in our last flat. We weren't so lucky with our second flat. The washing machine is in the kitchen, so if I smell like onions it is because I was multi-tasking in my kitchen/laundry room.

Why is it so small? Don't people wash their clothes in this country!

Outlets in the bathroom - From some reason, the UK is against having outlets in the bathroom. Where the hell am I supposed to dry my hair? Oh I should put a dressing table in my already tiny bedroom. What should I do about my husband who is still sleeping? They obviously did not think that one through. Someone needs to tell them having a outlet in the bathroom is not dangerous.

This is the only outlet in the bathroom and I have no idea why?

Kitchen Sink - As an American I took it for granted that all sinks come with a sprayer and garbage disposal. I am pretty sure they have never even heard of those things over here.

 kitchen sink sprayers
Oh, how I miss you. You are so practical and useful.

Bed - I am still not sure of the bed sizes in this country, but we (Bob, Kristen, and Hampton) are sharing what they call a double. If you call it a double that indicates that two people can share it, which is not the case. I can't wait to have bigger bed again.

This bed was not designed for two people.

Walk in Closet - While I have seen a walk in closet here, they are the exception not rule. We had huge closest at our last flat, but this one is lacking in closet place. I am looking forward to having all my clothes in one place again.

best walk in closet designs
In my dreams
Oven - So you want a make a pizza using your pizza pan? Fail! The oven wasn't designed to accommodate something so large.

Again, was so small!

Deliveries - In America, when you order something online, but are not home to receive it, they are happy to leave it on your doorstep so you can enjoy your purchase when you get home. Apparently,  the UK is a bunch of thieves, so they won't leave things at your doorstep, even when you live in the lower ground flat and no one can see the package. Since we don't have a car, we I do a lot of online shopping. I ordered something online so I wouldn't have to lug it home, but now I have to go to the post office and pick it up. So annoying.

Perfectly safe. Right?
We miss everyone so much! Luckily we have visitors arriving soon! Apparently no one wanted to visit us when it was freezing.

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