Sunday, March 27, 2011


A bold statement yes, but I think we might have actually turned the corner. It was 29 this morning when I got up, 36 when I left to ride my bike, and 51 when I got home. Bright sunshine all day, now wind and a high of 56. I can see why they say summer here is so great.

During the ride this morning, I saw an old guy, and I mean OLD, at the least 60, skate sking around the park. Now this wouldn't be so strange if he would have been out in some kinda of track suit or something that looked like he actually left the house with the intention of an athletic venture. But oh no, he was wearing corduroys and a sweater vest. Had a lock on his face like he couldn't believe what he was doing or where he was. I really wanted to stick around and see what happened next, but he didn't look like he was planning on going into motion any time soon.

Went out this afternoon to tour the HMS Belfast. Its moored right in the middle of town and seemed to be a pretty big attraction. There is rumor that they are going to move a aircraft carrier into town to tour, and put the concord on its deck, for people to look at. Anyway, pretty impressive ship, but couldn't imagine myself living on it. Give everyone who has ever served tons of credit.

Hard to imagine it was built in 1938 and was in service to 1970 something.  People on board had to be thinking it wasn't logical to be sailing around the world in something that was older than they were, and probably older than their parents.
That can't be good!!

Aye Aye Captain!!

Went to a French place for dinner on the way home....Didn't think I would like French food, but as long as it all comes like this, it is moving right up to the top of the list. Mmmmmm.

Seriously Turbo, nothing can be that bad that you have to look so sad.  She uses her ball as a pillow everyday now.  Not sure what her plan is, but it would probably work, if we just knew what she wanted.

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