Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Stuff has Arrived!!

Well at least most it arrived on October 16th. We are still waiting on the sea shipment (aka Bob’s bikes) to arrive. They should get here the first week of November.   It is nice to have some of our things here. It is starting to feel like home.  The boxes took up the whole entire guest bedroom.

They also produced about 8 huge trashbags filled with packing material.  It will take weeks to get rid of it all.  We also ended up with a box of stuff that was supposed to go to storage, I was hoping for somthing good, but it was just a box of electronics (curling irons, hot rollers and electric shavers) that are no good over here. Oh well.  I spent most of Friday unpacking. They said they could unpack for me, but that would just consisted of them taking the stuff out of the box and putting in on the floor. I didn’t find this very helpful, so I declined their offer.   The dogs were so excited to have their bed and food bowls back. 

On Saturday we went to Leicester Square to get tickets to see Chicago.  It was great and I got ice cream during intermission just like Cuzin Lauren said I would.  On Sunday we took an open top double decker bus tour of London.  It was a good overview of London and we learned a lot and figured out what places we wanted to go check out.

We ate lunch at this place called the Texas Embassy.  We sat next to girl from Texas who had married a Brit and had been living in the UK for 4 years.  Turns out she was a teacher in the states and she kinda explained to me how the process works.  Once she told me all the stuff I decided that it wouldn’t be something I would pursue.  They couple actually live in Wales, which is about 3 hours from London, so I don’t think we will be seeing them again.   Life in London great, but it will be better when I don’t have to go table hunting at Starbucks every day. I can’t wait to get the internet.  We are still waiting on our radiator to be fixed.  Bob has been using Hampton as his personal heater and bed warmer.  Bob said she is doing a good job, but is a little too furry for everyday use.

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