Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Took the dogs to their dog park. I say its theirs because every time we have gone we are the only ones there. You have to plan your trip to the dog parks very carefully here. Since its cold and rainy here all the time grass doesn’t grow that well and the ground is usually wet and muddy. So depending on the day there may only be a portion of the dog park that is really usable. We have found 3 parks within about 5 minutes of the house that have dog areas, but each one seems to have its downsides. One of them is all brown dirt/sand, and well the girls ended up coming home with Red legs. Another is pretty well cover in grass and works great, except for what can only be described as a mud pit. Keep the dogs out of that and you are good. Let them in and you are well, just screwed. Came home from it one day and had to clean up about 100 paw prints all around the living room and kitchen. The last (which is the one I describe as theirs) doesn’t have as much grass, but not as much mud or red sand either so we stay moderately clean. We take the dogs all the time and usually its a non-event but today as we were playing ball Hampton had an incident. She was running across the park after the ball and ran over a hole full of leaves. Obviously there was no ground to step on and she ended up going head first into the ground and ended up going ass over as a result. She didn’t really seem to care, but as you can see from the skid mark on her chest she is going to need a bath and is probably going to be sore tomorrow.

Afterwards we had a cool brunch at a place called 360 degrees altitude 29th floor with windows all the way around. Brunch/Lunch was pretty good; we went late 1 0’clock so I wasn’t sure to eat breakfast foods or lunch foods. So I decided to eat them all. Crapes with Nutella were amazing, Eggs Benedict and full breakfast as well. They had what they called “American Pancakes”, and since I love pancakes like a little kid I had to have some. As the chef poured the batter and proceeded to spread it out I got a feeling that it wasn’t going to hit the spot. He ended up folding it over on the plate, and handed it to me with just a little drop of syrup. I thought to myself, “huh that seems like a crape,” and he must have seen the confusion in my face because he asked if everything was ok as he handed it over. I wanted to go behind the griddle myself and show him how it was done, but I decided with the poor English he spoke I would end up with something even less recognizable than I currently had. So I ate the pancrape and decided to save room for dessert. Three trips to the dessert table and I was spent.
Part of the experience was a tour and history of some of the buildings which you could see from the restaurant. Turns out that the tour guide/comedian was a PhD in American History. Strange to have a Londoner so excited to talk about the Oklahoma Land Run, but that is another story all together. Amazing how big London is when you finally get to a vantage point to see it all. Some of the highlights from the views:

This place used to be a prison.....
Westminster Abbey....
Parliment and the EYE....
The financial district and the actual City of London (more on that later)....

Same picture just zoomed out.....this place is BIG...


  1. Cool pics and cool stories! This makes me want to begin blogging, but my story and pictures are not as cool. Oh well- I will live vicariously through this blog. I hope you guys are enjoying London!

  2. Thanks. I am sure your stories would be just as cool. You can bring the family to visit and blog about that.
