Thursday, December 23, 2010


Started off vacation the best way I knew how.....some two wheeled therapy and it hit the spot. Even though it was only 36, and not forecast to get any warmer I bundled up and headed out to Richmond Park. Didn't feel too cold, although the mid 20s wind chill made things brisk to say the least. It was just cold enough to give you a constant brain freeze type of feeling but not cold enough to make anything numb. Anyway I was really surprised how much snow was still on the ground. In the city it is all gone now, and you wouldn't even have known there was a storm this week. As soon as I got to open ground there was snow everywhere. I could definitely see why the country is more or less shut down. In fact there was a guy in a BMW Z4 who had gotten stuck on the little incline out of one of the parking lots. I laughed and rode straight past. Seemed the deer didn't mind the cold but there was probably only about a dozen other runners/riders out when my other trips they would have been out in the literally hundreds.

These guys were trying some kite skiing contraption. Seemed like alot of work without the payoff, but then again I was riding a bike around in circles, so who am I to talk.

Deer didn't have a care in the world, this guy was literally not more than 20 feet from me, and barely gave me a look. His big horned friend just out of the picture did however seem to care, so I moved on.

I saw this sweet van parked off on its own. Looks pretty mean!! Hopefully something that will be coming to the States soon, I wanna get one when we get back.

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