Tuesday, December 21, 2010


At dinner a few weeks ago our waiter suggested we visit the three museums in South Kensington. Since it has been a little chilly lately, we decided to check them out. Turns out that they are less than 2 miles from our flat, and if you want to walk you can get there by making exactly one turn from our front door. The first one we went to was the Natural History Museum. There was a line waiting to get in so we got some shots of the outside of the museum, which is just as fun to look at as the inside. Bob was distracted by pigeons eating a rice crispy treat.
Bob's new friend
 Natural History Museum

the view on the way home over the ice-rink

First thing you see when you walk in

I gotta think that the main attraction of the whole museum was the dinosaurs. You walk through the exhibit via an overhead walkway to get an up close an personal view of all of them. My favorite part, I guess it appealed to the science nerd in me, was the cocoon. This is where all of the real scientists and archaeologists do their work. Also holds something like 700,000 different specimens of plants and animals. They even let you go on a virtual research trip. I caught flies somewhere in Whales

T-Rex from the walkway

The Cocoon

The best part was "The Vault". This is where they keep the diamonds. It is part of a large exhibit about rocks and stuff, but I just ignored that part.

Aurora Pyramid of Hope
The second one we went to was the Victoria and Albert Museum. It was open late on Friday night and we were running low of ideas and inspiration so we just decided to pop in. Turns out that the majority of the exhibits were closed but still got to see some neat stuff. In general the museum has a little of everything, and there isn't much of a theme, just old and cool.

da Vinci's notebook (pocket sized)

Chancel chapel (Cappella Maggiore) including frieze and tabernacle from Church of Santa Maria, Florence. Completely disassembled from Italy and reassembled in the museum. This is the only Italian Renaissance chapel that can be seen outside of Italy.

Finally, someone who Bob is more tan than!

Bob tripped and fell down some stairs later on so they might not want us to come back. I think he has a equilibrium problem.

We still need to go to the Science Museum to finish up the trio. Hopefully we will make it there soon.

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