Thursday, September 20, 2012

Leaving London

Its been a strange couple of days.  I'm a bit shocked with it all to be honest with you.  Not shocked like walk into a glass door shocked but more like things that make you go hmmm shocked.   For those not in the loop I waived goodbye to London on Saturday morning.  721 days from when we began the adventure now writing the final chapter.

I remember one of the very first days thinking 'Wow I live in London" ad had a similar thought handing in the keys to our flat, "Wow can believe I've been living in London."  Other than Stillwater its really the only other hometown I've ever had, and now its 5,000 miles away.

The bit that I never really got over was no matter what differences there were, and there were alot. the majority of the time there was really no difference to actual life there vs. Tulsa, or really anywhere.  We all still get dressed the same way in the morning, and the sun always rises in the east.

I didn't expect it but was pretty emotional leaving.  Kinda like that last day of school when the nostalgia of it all sneaks up on you and people who you really weren't that close to end up being your best friends.  All the little things fade away super fast and you are left with the good times and good friends.

I am sure I will look back in 10 years and will have just about forgot everything that wasn't captured in photos or on the blog.  Maybe I will get inspired and try to memorialize it all in a book or something.  I guess time will tell.  In the meantime we will keep things going and pass on the exciting bits from Tulsa.  I imagine that the % of dog related posts will increase exponentially.

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