Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lots of good-byes

We are fully dedicated to this yeast free thing, but not made of money so I guess you could say we are easing ourselves into it. We should have theoretically thrown all of our old food out, and restocked the fridge and pantry, but that seemed a bit excessive and expensive. So instead we are eating our way through all the 'bad' food and only buying 'good' food going forward.

That has resulted in a sad sad ritual of saying good-bye to things which you might not have really cared or thought twice about in the past. I opened up the last bottle of DPZ and nearly had a panic attack. Once that was gone, I stared longingly at a week old bottle of orange juice, and had a five minute debate with myself as to just how official the expiration date really was.

The Cherrios are gone, and the only bread left in the house is a frozen loaf of garlic bread that looks to have exploded from the cold, and some Yorkshire puddings. I am not really sure what I am going to spread whats left of 2lb jar of Nutella on...I guess maybe some celery or an apple. I bet I try it on alot of stuff that turns out to be a really bad idea.

I am not sold yet on rice milk either! If anyone has any great suggestions, I am more than happy to hear them.

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